Catering Equipment Manufacturers
Below is a list of all the catering spares that we can supply by manufacturer. If you are looking for a particular spare part then please enter your search term at the top of the page.
- 3M
- A S Catering Supplies
- Abner
- AccuTemp
- Adande Refrigeration
- Adda
- Adler
- Admiral
- Adventys
- Afinox
- AKO Commercial Refrigeration
- Alliance Laundry Systems
- Alpeninox
- Alto-Shaam
- Aluminox
- Amana
- Amazon
- Ambach
- Ambassade
- American Dryers
- American Metal Ware
- American Permanent Ware
- American Range
- Amica
- Amika
- Andrews Water Heaters
- Anets
- Angelo Po
- Animo
- Anliker
- Antunes
- Apollo
- APW Wyott
- Aqua Jet
- Arcaboa
- Archway
- Ardco
- Arevalo
- Arex
- Aristarco
- Arneg
- Arox
- Artica
- Artikold
- Asber
- Asco
- Asko
- Asland
- Aspera
- Astoria
- Ata
- Athen
- Atosa
- Aurea
- Autofry
- Autonumis
- Avamore
- Avery Berkel
- Bakbar
- Bakers Pride
- Bandeau
- Barbeque King
- Barline
- Baron
- Bartisan
- Bartlett
- Bartscher
- Baumatic
- BBQ King
- Beech Ovens
- Beermaster
- Beha-Hedo
- Beko
- Belleco
- Belling
- Benedikt & Jager
- Berto's
- Bespoke elements
- Bespoke FridgeFreezer DoorSeal
- Beverage-Air
- Bezzera
- BGL Rieber
- Bieffe
- Biro
- Bitron
- Bizerba
- Blakeslee
- Blanco
- Blizzard
- Blodgett
- Blue Seal
- Bohnhoff
- Bold
- Bonnet
- Bonnet Neve
- Bonzer Can Openers
- Bosch
- Bottene
- Bourgeat
- Bourgeois
- Bozzolo
- Bradshaw
- Brahma
- Brandon
- Brasilia
- Bravilor Bonamat
- Breakline
- Brema
- Brice
- Brita
- Britannia
- Broaster
- Brother Microwaves
- Buffalo
- Bunn-O-Matic
- Burco
- Burlodge
- Burshaw
- Bush
- Butcher Boy
- CAB Slush Machine
- Calomax
- Calpeda
- Cambro
- Candy
- Cannon
- Capic
- Capital
- Caple
- Caravell
- Carel
- Carimali
- Carlo Gavazzi
- Carpigiani
- Carter Hoffman
- Casadio
- Casta
- Castel
- Caterbrew
- Catercool
- Caterice
- Caterlux
- Caterwash
- Cattabriga
- CB
- Ceado
- Cecilware
- Celme
- Champion
- Chantry Knife Sharpener
- Charvet
- Chef King
- Chefquip
- Chefs Range
- Chergui
- Cidelcem
- Cinders BBQ
- Cissell
- Claris
- Classeq and Classic
- Clenaware Systems
- Cleveland
- Clifton
- CMA Dishwasher
- Coffee Queen
- Cofrimell
- Colbert
- Coldmaster
- Colged
- Colston
- Combisteel
- Comenda
- Comercia
- Comersa
- Compact
- Cona
- Convotherm
- Coolpoint
- Coolzone
- Copeland
- Coreco
- Corsair
- Cosmetal
- Cossiga
- Costan
- Cougar
- Counterline
- Coven
- Crane
- Crathco
- Creda
- Cres Cor
- Criocabin
- Crypto Peerless
- Cubigel
- Cuppone
- Currys Essentials
- Cygnet
- Daewoo
- Dane Catering Equipment
- Danfoss
- Dawson
- DC Products
- DCS-Dynamic Cooking System
- De Buyer
- De Rigo
- De'Longhi
- Dean
- Delfield
- Derby
- Derek Wright
- Desco
- Designline
- Desmon
- Dexion
- Diamond
- Diamond H
- Diepat
- Diplomat
- Dito Sama
- Dixell
- Domus
- Doyon
- Dualit
- Duke
- Dynamic Blenders
- Dyson
- E & R Moffat
- Easyzap
- ebm-papst
- Edesa
- Edlund
- EGO Controls
- Elba
- Elco
- Elcold
- Electrolux / Zanussi
- Electroway
- Elektra
- Elettrobar
- Elframo
- Eliwell
- Elmeco
- Elmwood
- Eloma
- Elro Werke
- Elstar
- Elviomex-Alfa
- Emainox
- Emberglo
- Embraco
- Emerson
- Emmepi
- Encore
- Enofrigo
- Epta
- Erre 2 - Gico
- Esta
- Eurfrigor
- Euro Ice
- Eurocave
- Eurocryor
- Eurofours
- Euromax
- EuroTech
- Everlasting
- Everpure
- Every Control
- Excalibur
- Excel
- Executor
- Expobar
- Extra Kold Refrigeration Ltd
- Fabar
- Faby
- Faema
- Fage
- Fagor
- Falcon
- Fama
- Fenwal
- Fermod
- Fetco
- Fiamma
- Fiber
- Fields & Pimblett
- Fima
- Fimar
- Fiorenzato
- Firex
- Flavel
- Flonox
- Foinox
- Follett
- Forcar
- Foster
- Fracino
- Framec
- Franke
- Franklin Chef
- Frenox
- Fri-Fri
- Fri-Jado
- Frialator
- Fridgemaster
- Frigidaire
- Friginox
- Frigoglass
- Frigomac
- Frigovell
- Frilixa
- Frima
- Frimetal
- Friulinox
- Frost King
- Frost-Tech
- Frymaster
- Futurmat
- Gaggia
- Galileo
- Gam
- Gamko
- Garbin
- Garland
- Gastrotop
- General Electric
- Genfrost
- Germac
- Gicar
- Gico
- Gierre
- Giga
- Giorik
- Girbau
- Globe
- Gorenje
- Gottak
- Gram
- Grandimpianti
- Granuldisk
- Grasslin
- GreaseShield
- Grimac
- Grindmaster
- Groen
- Grundy
- Haier
- Hallde
- Halsey Taylor
- Hamilton Beach
- Hatco
- Hawco
- Heatrae Sadia
- Hendi
- Henkelman
- Henny Penny
- Henry Nuttal
- HFE/Henkovac
- Hiber
- Hilta
- Hisense
- HJ Weir
- Hobart
- Holman
- Honeywell
- Hoonved
- Hoover
- Hoshizaki
- Hotpoint
- Houno
- Howden
- Hubbard
- Huebsch
- Hupfer
- Husky
- Hussman Food Service
- Hyco
- Hygena
- Hygiplas
- Iarp
- Iberital
- Ice King
- Ice Queen
- Ice-A-Cool
- Ice-O-Matic
- Icematic
- Icetronic
- Icos
- Igloo
- Iglu
- Ignis
- Imesa
- IMI Cornelius
- Imperia
- Imperial
- In-sink-Erator
- Indesit
- Inducs
- Infrico
- Inoksan
- Inomak
- Inoxtrend
- Insectaflash
- Instanta
- Intercold
- Interlevin
- Ipso
- Irinox
- Italforni
- Jackson
- Jade Range Cookers
- Jemi
- Jeros
- Johnson Controls
- Jolly Ice
- Joni
- Jordao
- Josper
- Juno
- Jura Impressa
- Karcher
- Kason
- Kastel Refrigeration
- Keating
- Kelvinator
- Kempsafe
- Kenmore
- Kenta
- Kenwood
- King Edward Potato Ovens
- Kingfisher
- Kiour
- Kiremko
- KitchenAid
- Klimason
- Kobol
- Koldbox
- Komel
- Koxka
- Krampouz
- Krefft
- Kromo
- Kronus
- Krupps
- Kuppersbusch
- Kyung Dong
- L'Unite Hermetique
- La Cimbali
- La Minerva
- La Pavoni
- Labcold
- Lacanche
- LAE Controllers
- Lainox
- Lakeside
- Lamber
- Lamona
- Lan Elec
- Lang
- Lasa
- Lavamac
- Lavazza
- Lavezzini
- Lec
- Leisure
- Leventi
- LG
- Liebherr
- Lincar
- Lincat
- Lincoln
- Linda Lewis
- Linea Blanca
- Litton
- Lockwood
- Logik
- Loipart Marine
- Lotus
- Lowe
- LTH Refrigeration
- Luxia
- Macap
- Mach
- Maestro
- Maestrowave
- Mafirol
- Magikitch'n
- Magimix
- Magister
- Maid2Wash
- Maidaid Halcyon
- Mainca
- Mairali
- Manitowoc
- Manrose
- Marco
- Marels
- Mareno
- Marstair
- Masterchef
- Masterfrost
- Masterjet
- Mastro
- Matsui
- Maxcold
- Maxi Wash
- Maxitrol
- Maytag
- Mazzer
- Mealstream
- Mechline
- Mecnosud
- Medoc
- Meiko
- Menumaster
- Mercatus
- Merco Savory
- Mercury
- Merit Filtration
- Merrychef
- Metal Norde
- Metcalfe
- Metos
- Micromark
- Middleby Marshall
- Miele
- Migel
- Milan Toast
- Mile High
- Milnor
- Mirror
- Misa
- Mo-El Insect Killer
- Modena
- Modular
- Moffat
- Molteni
- Monarch
- Mondial Elite
- Mono
- Montague Grizzly
- Moorwood Vulcan
- Moretti-Forni
- Morice
- Multivac
- Musso
- Nayati
- Neff
- Nelson
- Nemco
- Newscan
- Nice Ice
- Nickel-Electro
- Norcool
- Norfrost
- Norlake
- Norpe
- Nortech
- Novum
- Numatic
- Nuove
- Nuttall
- Obel
- Ocean Group
- Offcar
- Olimpia
- Olis
- Olitrem
- Oliver Toms Cookers
- Olympia
- Omega
- Omniwash
- Orion
- Orved
- Osborne
- Oscartielle
- Oxford Hardware
- Oxin
- Ozti
- Pactrol
- Palux
- Panasonic Microwave
- Pantheon
- Parker
- Parry
- Pastorfrigor
- Pastorkalt
- Pego
- Peko
- Perfect Fry
- Perlick
- Phillips
- Piron
- Pitco
- PizzaGroup
- Plaset
- Polar
- Polaris
- Polestar
- Porkka
- Portinox
- Potis
- Precision
- Prima
- Primer
- Primus
- Prince Castle
- Prismafood
- Prodis
- Profinox
- Project Distribution
- Proline
- Promek
- Proton
- Pump House
- Quasar
- Quattro
- Quest Refrigeration
- Rahrbach
- Ramon
- Rancilio
- Ranco
- Rangemaster
- Rankin-Delux
- Rational
- Red Goat
- Redring
- Remco
- Rendisk
- Retigo
- Reward
- Rhea Products
- Rhino
- Rivacold
- Roband
- Robertshaw
- Robot Coupe
- Roller Grill
- Rondo
- Rosamon
- Rosinox
- Rossi
- Round Up
- Rowlett Rutland
- Royal
- Royal Catering
- Russell Hobbs
- Sadia
- Saeco
- Sagi
- Salva
- Salvador
- Salvajor
- Salvinox
- Salvis
- Sammic
- Samsung
- San Jamar
- San Marco
- SaniServ
- Sanso
- Santos
- Sanyo
- Scaiola
- Scandinova
- Scanfrost
- Scholl Apparatebau
- Schreiber
- Schulthess
- Scotsman
- Searle
- Seko
- Serrco
- Servis
- Sharp
- Sherwood
- Shoreline
- Sico
- Siemens
- Sigma
- Silanos
- Silko
- Silver King
- SilverWing
- Simag
- Sincold
- Sirman
- Sissons
- Sit
- Smart 44
- Smeg
- Sogeco
- Somerset
- Sottoriva
- South Bend
- Sowebo
- Spar
- Speed Queen
- Standard Keil
- Star
- Statesman
- Staycold
- Stellex
- Sterling Pro
- Stott Benham
- Stoves
- Streamline
- Stresa
- Studio 54
- Sunkist
- Sunnex
- Sunon
- Sunvic
- Supco
- Sveba Dahlen
- Swan
- Synergy
- T & S Brass & Bronze
- Taylor Ice Cream
- Tecfrigo
- Technoblock
- Tecnodom
- Tecnoeka
- Tecnoinox
- Tecnomac
- Tecumseh
- Tefcold
- Teikos
- Teka
- Tekna
- Telme
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermomax Coltrec
- Thermoplan
- Thirode
- Thor
- Toastmaster
- Toastwell
- Tom Chandley
- Tomlinson
- Tornati
- Traulsen
- Tri-Star
- Tricity Bendix
- Trimco
- True
- Turbo Air
- Turbo Chef
- Turbo-Vac
- Tyler
- Ubert
- Ugolini
- Ultima
- Unger
- Unifrigor
- Unifrost
- Unimac
- Univerbar
- Universal
- Universo
- Univex
- Unox
- Valentine
- Valera
- Van Berkel
- Varimixer Bear
- Verticold
- Vestfrost
- Victor
- Victorian Baking Ovens
- Victorinox
- Victory
- Viessmann
- Viking
- Viking Laundry
- Viscount
- Vitamix
- Vogue
- Vollrath
- Vorwerk
- Vulcan Hart
- Wardpark Gardner
- Waring
- Warner Howard
- Warwick
- Washrite
- Washtech
- Waste Maid
- Wastematic
- Weald Refrigeration
- Wega
- Wells
- Wessamat
- Wexiodisk
- Whirlpool
- White Knight
- Wilbur Curtis
- Williams
- Winston
- Winterhalter
- Witt
- Wolf
- Wood Stone
- World Dryer
- WSM Ltd
- Wyott
- Zanolli
- Zanotti
- Zanussi Commercial
- Zanussi Domestic
- Zip
- Zodiac
- Zoin
- Zoppas
- Zucchelli
- Zumex